Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos - Pro Tech Games

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare - Raiders, Scavvers & Psychos

  • £28.90
  • Save £5.10

As a Raider gang gains notoriety, it swells with new recruits. From the desperate survivors, or even victims of previous raids, to scavengers and mercenaries who throw in their lot with the roaming gangs. 

With numbers come the chance to attack stronger targets, resulting in better loot, new weapons and scrap to increase the power of a Raider gang allowing them to carve out small empires in the ruins of civilisation. 

This boxed set contains six 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin Raider miniatures, each with unique scenic bases, to allow players to expand their Fallout: Wasteland Warfare games.


  • 2 x Raider
  • 2 x Psycho
  • 2 x Scavver

NOTE: This set does not contain cards, please purchase the Raiders Wave Expansion card pack, which includes all the cards for Wave 2 releases including all three Raiders sets, Assaultrons & Protectrons, Wasteland Vermin (Molerats & Rad Roaches), Deathclaw, Sentry Bot, X0-1 & Armoured Dogmeat and Ghouls. 

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