Trident Realm Leviathan
Trident Realm Tidal Terrors Booster
Reaper / Tormentor Regiment
Northern Alliance;Mantic Mega Army
Northern Alliance;Mantic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers
Northern Alliance;Mantic Frostclaw Riders
Phantom Troop
Nightstalker Heroes
Nightstalker Army (New Version)
Ratkin Shredder Warengine
Goblin Ambush Starter Set
Halfling Ambush Starter Set
Forces of the Abyss Ambush Starter Set
Ogre Ambush Starter Set
Empire of Dust Ambush Starter Set
Ratkin Ambush Starter Set
Abyssal Dwarf Angkor Heavy Mortar
Kings OF War;Mantic Measuring Sticks
Ogre Army
Ogre Chariots
Ogre Siege Breaker Horde
Ogre Shooters Horde
Ogre Hunters (Regiment)
Ogre Berserker Braves (Regiment)
Ogre Mega Army
Kings OF War;Mantic: War in the Holds - Two Player Starter Set
Orc Army
Salamander Army
Empire of Dust Army
Undead Army
Nightstalker Army
Basilean Army (2019)
Ratkin Army
Goblin Army
Elf Army
Goblin Support Pack: Winggit
Shadows in the North: Kings OF War;Mantic 2-player starter set
Forces of the Abyss Army
Riftforged Orc Army (2021)
Kings OF War;Mantic 40mm Movement Tray Pack